Wednesday 24 April 2013

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Questions 4&5

Evaluation Question 2&3

Evaluation Question 1

I have included different Hip-Hop songs to play in the background of my prezi presentations to sum up the genre and the course that I have completed. The artists who's songs feature include Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Mike G and even a Ministry of Sound Hip-Hop album mixtape.

My Final Double Page Spread

When creating my double page spread, I changed a few things on it in order for it to look more effective. In the final version as pictured below, I have added a byline and cleared up my artist's skin with the spot healing tool to make it look more presentable and professional.

My Final Magazine Contents Page

After the reviews and opinions that I received on my contents page, I found out that I did not need to make many changes. The only change I had to make was making sure the page numbers go up in sequential order rather than randomly.

My Final Magazine Front Cover

After giving my magazine to a group of class mates who enjoy listening to the Hip-Hop genre, I had noticed that I needed to make a few alterations in order for it to look better and appeal to them more. I had to add things such as a new slogan, drop shadow on texts and a footer.

When they seen the improved version (as pictured below) they thought it looked great and much better than the first version. Overall, i am pleased with the outcome.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Magazine Double Page Spread Draft

Below is the first draft for my double page spread.

I then went on to create a second draft as I changed the lay out by separating my two boxes and adding a by line.

I then went on to clear my artists skin with the spot healing brush which then gave me my final product.

Friday 19 April 2013

Magazine Contents Page Draft

Below is the first draft of the contents page for my magazine. I made a mistake by putting my page numbers in a random order which I then had to change to give me my final product.

Magazine Front Cover Draft

Below is the first draft of my music magazine front cover.

I then went on to do some changes such as changing my slogan, adding drop shadow to texts, increasing the price and adding a footer to the bottom. However, I didn't relise that I had mentioned an artist (Pharrell) as a cover line and in the footer which I then had to change to give me my final product.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Magazine Photo's

Below are the photo's that I have taken to be used in my magazine. I have taken two different photo shoot's as I did not like the original photo shoot that I did at night due to things such as red-eye. I then went on to find another artist to be used in my magazine and took much better photo's in the day time. Overall, the second photo shoot was very effective and I have taken some great pictures that will make my magazine look as professional as it can be.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Risk Assessment Form

Below is the risk assessment form that I have filled in that highlights the risks that will be taken when carrying out the photo-shoot for my magazine.

Contributor's Release Form

Below is the contributor's release form that has been filled in and signed by both me and the artist who will model for the photo-shoot for my magazine.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Music Magazine Mock-Up's

Below are the mock up's that I have created to help me and give me an idea on how I want to lay my magazine out. When designing my magazine, I will keep refering back to my mock-ups in order to know what looks effective and how to set it out.

Monday 8 April 2013

Magazine Title Evaluations

H-Squared² - The first magazine title that i have in mind is H-Squared². This stands for my chosen genre which is Hip Hop. Hopefully the reader will gather this and then they can easily decide whether or not the magazine is for them. I can also abbreviate the title to just H² in order to make it look more effective, however this may be too short and small for a magazine title and can so make the end product look unprofessional and of a low standard. I believe this would be a good name for my magazine as it is very unique and has the potential to become a catchy and established title. 

Supreme - The next magazine title that i will be evaluating will be Supreme. I initially came up with this title from the popular Hip Hop related clothing line Supreme that is worn by a lot of the artists that i will be including in my magazine. Straight away it has a link to the magazine through fashion and trend, however i also believe that it would look very effective as a magazine title with the red and white colour scheme that Supreme already has. It could also build a partnership with the clothing line and be the official music magazine which will gain the magazine tons of publicity. This will also come in handy as a lot of the publicity that it will gain will already be Hip Hop/Alternative Hip Hop music fans.
Faded - Another magazine title that i will be choosing between is Faded. I really like this title as i believe it would sound and look good being a Hip Hop magazine title. I got the idea for the title as Faded is a common word that Hip Hop artists use in their songs. The actual definition of Faded is to gradually grow faint and disappear or to lose colour/brightness. This can then link to the colour scheme that i would use. I would use colours that relate to the meaning such as black, grey and white which all look very effective when used together as text can be easily read. Faded has many urban uses to it such as to describe something as being high/stoned/blazed, tired as fuck or getting revenge. All of these urban uses to the word can relate well to my target audience as a i believe they will regularly use them, much like their favourite artists. Another reason why i really like the title Faded is because of the straight edge on the capital letter 'F'. I intend to include the word 'magazine' inside the letter 'F' on its side so that the magazine can also be referred to as Faded Magazine. I have seen this done on a few magazine's and it looks very professional.

Explicit - The fourth magazine title that i have in mind is Explicit. I originally got this idea as it relates to the 'Explicit content' notice found on most Hip Hop CD/Album covers in order to inform that parental discretion is advised. Explicit is when an exact equivalent of something is defined. This will link to my target audience as the majority of them will prefer the Explicit version of songs/videos rather than the clean version as they will include things such as swear words, and sexual/graphic content that the clean version does not. This tells us that the audience is somewhat rebellious which is exactly what i want them to be as it relates to the Hip Hop genre. Like Faded, Explicit has a straight edge to the letter 'E' that allows me to include the word 'magazine' in it in order for me to make it look more professional and effective. This also links to one of the tag lines that i have in mind which is 'Parental Advisory. Explicit Content'. Again, this will make the magazine look more professional.

Overall, i believe my final decision is most likely going to be Faded as i think this will be a better match to my magazine rather than the other title ideas. I will also be using the tag line 'We put the Hip in Hip-Hop' as this is very catchy and will look very professional when presented on my magazine.

Saturday 6 April 2013

My Target Audience Considerations

Qualities of target audience you want to reflect:
The main quality that my target audience will possess will to be up to date on all of the latest music and fashion. Preferably related to Hip Hop, however they will have a good knowledge on other genre related fashions. This means that they will have a good dress sense and will be street smart. They will be aged from around 16-25 and be very modernised, adapting themselves to current trends and habbits. As well as the main genre being Hip Hop, they also love to listen to sub genres such as Rap, R&B and Alternative Hip Hop/Rap.

Aspirations of your target audience:
The aspirations of my target audience will be to follow in the footsteps of some of their favourite artists. This will include trying to be the best, having a large group of friends and being able to stand out in a crowd by being unique and having a good personality. 

Feature ideas:
My magazine will feature all of the latest news and gossip surrounding the Hip Hop genre and its artists. The artists that will feature in my magazine will include Odd Future (Tyler, Earl, Mike, Frank etc.), Kendrick Lamar, ASAP Rocky, Kanye West, Jay Z, Pharrell and many more.

Regular ideas:
I will be including regular ideas in my magazine such as reviews, interviews and articles on all of the latest news regarding the Hip Hop genre. I will also include things such as competitions and upcoming events that my audience can relate to and be informed on.

Magazine Name(s) and Qualifier:
Explicit, Supreme, H-Squared² or Faded.
- We put the Hip in Hip-Hop.
- Parental Advisory. Explicit Content.

Friday 5 April 2013

XXL Magazine March/April 2013

Below are the annotated front cover, contents pages and a double page spread of the biggest Hip Hop magazine about - XXL. The issue that i have annotated is the March/April 2013 issue, which is the most recent one. I will also be annotating the December/January 2012 issue of XXL Magazine to compare the two and see if and how the house style has stayed the same or changed. This will also give me more knowledge and guidance when creating the front cover, contents page and double page spread for my magazine - Faded. As you can see, the XXL contents page has a very strange layout. There are two parts separated by advertisements. The second page even contains contents and page numbers that are before some of the ones on the first page. Therefore, it is not in chronological order which can confuse some readers.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

NME Magazine Annotated

Below are the annotated pages of an NME Magazine . I have annotated the front cover, the contents page and two double page spreads. I chose to annotate this issue of NME Magazine as the main article is about a Hip Hop artist who i will be featuring inside my magazine. Therefore, it will relate to my chosen genre of Hip Hop and help me out when creating my magazine. I will also be annotating two issues of the biggest Hip Hop magazine XXL.