Tuesday 12 March 2013

Alsop High School Newsletter

The newsletter follows a black and white colour scheme, however there is some use of colour such as blue hyperlinks, and at the bottom of the newsletter where there are logo's of the schools associates and affiliates such as the Recognition of Quality and Hmmm exciting minds logos.

The newsletter keeps the same formal font throughout to show that it is a formal piece of text that is also professional. The titles of the different topics are in bold print and underlined to let the reader know what the topic is and that the subject has changed. Again, it also shows that it is professional in order to give the school a good reputation.

In this particular newsletter, there is only one page. This may be because they will have recently released another newsletter that covers all of the current topics at the school and so in this current edition of the newsletter, there is not much new news that needs to be talked about. This is more of an informative article that just talks about the latest and necessary topics as well as giving a brief description of them.

The house style of the newsletter is presented with four boxes at the top of the page. One containing the masthead being the biggest sized font at the very top of the page as well as the schools logo. This is done so that soon as someone glances at it, they will know exactly what it is, which is exactly what it says - 'Alsop High School Newsletter'. Two boxes are then placed underneath this in order to give the newsletter a very professional look to it. One of the boxes includes the date for the issue of the newsletter (8th March 2013) as well as the only image on the page, (With the exception of logo's) which is an image of the school. I am assuming that the image that they have used of the school is of the latest building to be designed as it looks of a high standard. This will then make the reader assume that the school and newsletter is also of a high standard as it has a very modern look to it. The box next to this is a message from the headteacher of the school which opens the newsletter and shows the reader that they are very much so involved with everything the school does such as the newsletter. The final box used is a useful addition for both students and parents because it is a 'Dates for your diary' section which they will take note of if it involves them/their son/daughter.

The information is presented in short paragraphs in order to keep the readers attention. If someone was to look at the newsletter and just see a big paragraph of words with no breaks or paragraphs, they will not bother reading it, as they will get bored due to the fact that it is not very appealing. Overall, i believe Alsop have done a very good job when designing their newsletter as it has a very good look to it, and keeps up with the high, professional standards of the school. The newsletter definitely meets its target audience of older students and parents as it sticks to its formal house-style and layout. 

Here is the current newsletter as of April 26th.

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