Sunday 3 February 2013


Below are images of the front cover, contents page and double page spread that i produced for my magazine in GCSE Media Studies. We were allowed to base our magazine on a topic of our choice, I chose to do my magazine on Movies, Music and Video games and called it Reality which i thought was a relevant name towards my magazine and its genre. I chose a colour scheme that featured three colours throughout - Blue, White and Black. Looking at it now, the colours aren't used as effective as they could be. I could have improved it by brightening the magazine up by using colours such as yellow and orange, aswell as using more white. The magazine looks very dark and some of the writing such as the blue text on black background can be hard to read for some people. Especially on the left side of the double page spread. I believe the layout of my front cover looks quite professional and tidy. A clear masthead is established at the top with my magazine's slogan/motto stated underneath. The image used attracts the audiences eye straight away due to the fact that it is the biggest item on the page aswell as being the only image. The image lets the reader know straight away what the magazine is about, and so what it will include. If they don't like what they see, then the magazine won't exactly be for them. In order to use the image as effectively as i did, i had to crop the image (Optimus Prime from the Transformers films) out of an action shot from the film. This involved me going around every part of him using things such as the magic wand tool in Photoshop. To do so, i had to zoom in so i could make it look better. My front cover lets people know what it is inside the magazine. For example, in this one there was an interview, a give away, reviews and articles. I could have improved my contents page and double page spread by again changing the theme and colour code in order to brighten it up aswell as using a more effective and less plain layout so that it looks more professional and of a better standard. Overall, i can't complain as it helped me get an A.

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