Tuesday 5 February 2013

Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory

Gaze is the term referred to when an audience views the people presented in something.

Femenists can be thought of in three different ways. These are:

- How men look at women
- How women look at themselves
- How women look at other women

Laura Mulvey created the term 'Male Gaze' in 1975 and stated that in films, audiences have no other choice but to view the characters in it from the perspective of a hetrosexual male. The camera lingers on features of the female body such as the curves. The events that occur when involving women are presented largely on the mans reaction to it.

The male gaze theory is used in everyday life including the sexualizing of the female body in situations that are completely unnecessary to the context such as when a product is being advertised. A critisicm of the Male Gaze theory is that some women actually enjoy being looked at such as in beauty pageants. The theory can also apply to people of the same gender, not neccessarily in a sexual manner but can be things such as in comparison of body image or in clothing.

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